Tuesday, September 4, 2012

2 weeks to go and some things

I'm 38 weeks today and here are a few things that have been going on...

1. My iron got so low they referred me to an specialist, he basically told me no iron=blood transfusion at birth for me which is no-good so they pump me up with some sweet iron that looked like coffee it took 6 HOURS! I have to go back this week and next until my due date they are hoping that will bring my levels up...here's hoping :)

2. I went to the triage last week bc of some weird discomfort but I felt better as soon as I got into the elevator because I saw this

that pretty lady in the middle happens to be my sister-in-law Katie :)

3. I been nesting like crazy I washed, ironed and re-organized all of our clothes including Celestes.

4. I ordered my diaper bag, it should be here this week and I'm super excited. My hospital bag is almost ready I have to find some pajamas but everything else I have which reminds me I bought my first nursing bra not the sexiest purchase. 

Dawn, Timi & Leslie

5. Dixie has been extra clingy lately as in yesterday I woke up with her face on my face, we were sleeping cheek to cheek it was pretty cute.

6. Went to Ts cousins wedding Saturday it was SUPER hot but the wedding was beautiful. T got a little romantic and said some sweet stuff with all the love in the air :)
On a random note I saw a lot of leg tattoos and thought if I was someone else in a world where I wasn't a cry-baby about needles and tattoos were erase-able I would TOTALLY get one.


6. My friend Tab got married in the office with her corgi dress on because she's awesome.

7. My dad called yesterday to let me know Celestes earrings are on the way and a present for me :)

8. Tab was gone for a week and asked me if I could take care of her plants and it turns out I can't... I know I'm a horrible plant keeper but is only partly my fault because I really think the plant should have made some kinda "Hey feed me" noise. We are hopeful it will recuperate. 

9. I cooked like twice last week, twice...Look at me I'm a wife from the 50s!

10. Saw Celeste in an ultrasound last week and let me tell you this child has hair I'm talking I'm-totally-half-Latin-and- I'm-representin' hair, we could see it "floating" in there. Sorta gross but defenitely glad she has some :)

11. I'm so glad I have Kristen to complained to, as of right now shes the only one who really gets my grumpy-ness and whiny-ness and all of the horrible-ness that are the last couple of weeks of pregnancy.

This week will consist of finishing up Celestes nursery and trying to convince her to get out haha, T told me this morning he thinks this week is it I had to refrain myself from kissing him (it was too early for all that cheesy-ness) since thats pretty much all I want to hear right now.

So to sum-it up I'm still a cow pregnant and I have two more weeks to go.

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