The second weekend of October was a special occasion since it was my BFF Bridal shower and yes it was Halloween theme why? because she's Lauren and that girl loves Halloween.
The invitation basically said come as your favorite witch as we did, my Mom however she took it to a whole other level that I like to call sheissomethingelse level.
LOLOL She was the Wizard of Oz witch even though she didn't even know who that was (I didn't either until the weekend before, the new movie with James Franco is a thumbs up mainly because hes in it).
Then we had the Bride who was a Bridezilla.
I made myself a no-sew cape and bought a Goodwill black velvety dress and call it a day because I honestly had no time for anything else but I was quite proud of my cape.
Can you see those fancy shape fruits? well I was in charge of fruits for the party but since I would be getting off of work with just enough time to make it to PCB I asked my sister to make it for me, in the email I sent her I told her I needed a fruit bowl and I attached samples of what they look like-you know Pinterest pictures I found. Anyways I got to PCB with just enough time to get them and head over the Bridal on the way there I was thanking her for doing the fruits for me and the conversation went something like this "Nana thanks for doing that for me, was it a lot of work?", to my surprise she was like "Yeah! cutting that pineapple was really hard!" at this point I had yet to see the tray so I laughed and I was like "hahaha what do you mean? you just cut the pineapple in little squares and that's it" I looked over and her face looked surprised with a smudge of anger "DUDE I cut the pineapple just like the picture you sent me!" hahahaha. She's a good little sister. (thanks Nana!)
We had a blast and I can not wait until she gets married.
Congratulations my friend you deserve all the happiness and Anthropologie things you want!
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